Starting herd at Sunset Oaks

Starting herd at Sunset Oaks
relaxing in the sunshine

Sunday, April 29, 2012

What to save and What to throw away

A new day has begun at Sunset Oaks, and everyday I find myself saving more and more things. I have put my whole heart into this farm I want it to be the best it can be. I have two garden though small they will provide me with the vegetables I need. Since I have all the compost I want from my animals it is senseless not to use it. I find myself every day trying to use everything that I come in contact with. I have started saving my cardboard because it works wonders to keep weeds out also it decomposes so it is a great additive. As I was cleaning my hairbrush out this morning I remember where someone had once told me that human hair will deter snakes in your yard, I am not so much worried about my yard its the hen house. My daughter last year killed two snakes in the nesting boxes,they were chicken snakes but I do not want to see one. I will try not to kill one but if it scares me bad enough I am sure it will be a dead snake. So I am saving all my hair to put in the nesting boxes will see what happens. Then again this morning I am eating oranges and I was going to put the peeling in my coffee can for the compose, then started thinking I can grated the peelings for orange rolls, or my homemade soap, just read the other day it makes get citrus scent. So now I have a baggie started with orange peels, who knew that so many things could be recycled. Then I was reading about all the herbs that could be used in soap, so I had to go buy four herbs, Walmart had them on sale for two dollars a piece, so I figured it could not hurt. Well got to go the farm is waiting to show me what else I might can save.

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